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Bilal1204's github profile

This web application is a clone of LinkTree, a popular tool used for creating a personalized page with multiple links to various online profiles, websites, or resources. With this clone, you can create your own version of a LinkTree-like page and share it with others.

Razorpay Clone

Jranii's github profile

It is a cloned frontend design of original Razorpay payment gateway.


ShreyaDhiman24's github profile

Thrift is a humanitarian effort dedicated to promoting literacy by offering free old books to learners. Along with them, you can buy OR sell second hand books & your handmade works as well. A unique component of our work is the identification of adjacent NGOs that can place requests for books or other needed items for children, thereby benefiting pupils.

Restaurant Website

govardhan-26's github profile

A visually appealing and well-designed Website for a Restaurant which has the Menu, Contact Details of the Restaurant and also a Booking Option for customers.

Dalle clone

kumar11jr's github profile

DALL·E is a neural network model developed by OpenAI. It stands for Distributed and Adversarial Learning of Latent Embeddings, and it is designed to generate images from textual descriptions


Kalivarapubindusree's github profile

blood management system project is an like overall blood management system in our hands, Register,Logins, adding Events and showing Interest to go and donate the blood seraching the donar near by the searched location showing the total donorslist and total bloodbanks and videos and contact us page and updating user profile within the working database

CodePen Clone

BhumicaPG's github profile

CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, called pens and test them.

Random Quote Generator

devWonderkind's github profile

The Random Quote Generator is a project that generates and displays thought-provoking quotes on demand. With each click, a fresh quote appears.

Memory color game

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

It tests your memory and concentration skills as you try to follow the pattern of colors and sounds generated by the game.

Netflix Clone (firebase)

PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, with TMDB api used to fetch the movies